Posts Tagged ‘couple’

It’s Black Friday…

November 26, 2010

There are several versions of Black Friday. Most of them involve some disastrous event such as the Wall Street crash from 1929 or devastating bush fires in Australia. I’m a really positive, optimistic person, so I’ll go for the version of Black Friday that is marking the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season: Black Friday as the Friday following Thanksgiving.

The term “Black Friday” is used to refer to the beginning of the period in which retailers go from being in the red to being in the black. Often they do this by promoting special deals and heavy discounts, and opening for as long as 24 hours the day, to draw maximum customer traffic into their stores. It’s basically a shopaholic’s paradise. 😉

Well, Christmas is still quite far away, but why not start shopping early to avoid the last minute gift buying stress?

When it comes to gift shopping, I always choose something personal, that makes the receiver feel that there is an emotional connection between us. By giving, I want to make the other feel that I care about him / her, and that I took some time to think about what would make him / her feel valued.

True luxury is taking the time to enjoy, the time to savor the moment. That’s why my favorite gifts are things that you have to use in a leisurely activity. This can range from books, especially cookbooks, via sporting equipment to tickets for events. Of course, my favorite gifts are sex toys. I guess the activity part of it is pretty obvious. Moreover, Christmas is still about expressing feelings such as friendship, love and appreciation of life. And sex toys actually do bring people closer together if used as a couple, and they are also a way of expressing love for oneself. Most of the time, I offer them together with a sensual accessory, such as massage gel or lubricant (tangerine, chocolate and vanilla are the best Christmas flavors ever!) or scented candles.

If you are not sure about what to offer, the “better than chocolate” is a sure bet for beginners, while “getaway” might be more attractive to people who have already experimented with toys before.

To get some more inspiration, consult the gift guides many online sex shops publish on the internet.


Nomi Tang

Long distance relationships

August 8, 2010

Hey everyone, I hope you are still in the lucky situation of enjoying your summer holidays, or if you just returned from them that you had a good one! Maybe you found a little more at your holiday destination this year than photos motifs and souvenir items..? Every year after the holiday season, long distance relationships pump up the volume of emails, sms and Facebook messages sent around the world.

Many of these long distance relationships won’t last for long, as the magic of the hot summer flirt at the pool bar is just not the same when meeting again in a rainy country town. But there are also many long distance relationships that endure, and even people choosing this kind of couple life as a lifestyle. If you are determined to make it happen, go for it! It’s worth it, no matter if it will last forever or just create many romantic memories. 🙂

Here are some tips to make it easier for both of you:
Do not call each other every ten minutes. Rather set up a phone date. Then take your time, make sure you will not be disturbed and do not do anything else while talking to your partner.

Do not isolate yourself as a couple, but meet each other’s friends. It will make it easier to fight jealousy, and you won’t run out of conversation material if you can relate to your partner’s environment.

Your lover fell in love with the active person you were before you were with him / her. So when you’re apart, do not stay home moaning and complaining that something is missing in your life, but have a life of your own.

Talk about your future. Do not lie to yourselves about when the separation is going to end (if it is going to end in some point in time), but make plans. Schedule holiday festivities, plan visits ahead and book holidays together.

And last but not least – one of my favorites: engage in activities together. For example, watch the same movie on TV and have Skype and a webcam running at the same time. Thereby you can interact immediately and share the experience of the movie. Once the webcam is up and running, I am sure you will find many other fun ways to share. Let your creativity take over and take it from there ;).

Stay connected,
