Archive for December, 2009

Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year!

December 23, 2009

The year 2009 is almost over. I hope you have some quiet and relaxing holidays awaiting you and your loved ones? Most likely you will have fixed your plans for these days by now, and maybe you are already wondering about your New Year’s Resolutions? The most common ones probably are to get fit and lose weight, spend less money and quit smoking. I agree that everyone should look after themselves and not mess too much with their bodies. Nevertheless New Year’s Eve should not become the day you abandoned all of life’s pleasures and became depressive because of extreme goals you set for your future.

So how about breaking the old pattern and taking on some more amusing and fun resolutions? You (and your partner) could for example try something new next year to spice up your intimate life. How about learning a new position from the Kamasutra every month, or introducing a new sensual accessory to your couple play? The possibilities are endless – lubricant to start with, cock rings for the more experienced, vibrators for the playful ones – and the payoff is immediate (contrary to such resolutions as to get back in shape).

If you still feel the need to settle for one of the classic resolutions, here is my advice:

1) Phrase your resolution as a positive statement: “I want to feel better about my body.” instead of “I have to get rid of these extra kilos.”
2) Stay realistic: Do not dream about model sizes and a perfect life – these only exist in the media after hours of image editing. Define milestones and reward yourself for every progress you make.
3) Focus. I guess you’ll agree that it is far better to succeed one small change in your lifestyle than to give up on five fantastic resolutions. Don’t you?

On this note, I just wish you a happy Christmas and all the best for 2010!

See you soon,
Nomi Tang

Back from Macau

December 10, 2009

Hi there!
I hope you manage all the pre-Christmas duties and can enjoy a peaceful time with your loved ones? Still looking for Christmas presents? How about surprising your best friend or treating yourself with a “better than chocolate”?
Me and my team just spent the weekend at the Asia Adult Expo in Macau, presenting our lovely range of sensual toys. People really liked the “better than chocolate” design and they were thrilled to learn about the sophisticated touch slider to change the speed and switch between the various vibration patterns.
As a premiere we presented the “better than chocolate” Sakura – the third color in the line. Glad you love it as much as I do!
The interesting conversations during the fair made me come up with countless fresh ideas – I hardly know where to start! But I can tell you this much: New products are to be launched soon! Make sure to stay updated by signing up for my newsletter and following me on Facebook.
Keep in touch!